Friday, September 30, 2011
Flashback Friday: The Little Things
One thing I really miss as Mr. No is starting to get older is that incredible sense of awe he had over...well, pretty much everything. Everything was new and exciting and just amazing to him and it definitely infects us as parents which is a wonderful thing! I was lucky enough to catch his adorable 1 year old face frozen in a moment of awe over who knows what. Something little like a bird flying by or an icicle. It makes me smile and makes me sad at the same time. Sad at how quickly we lose that feeling and it's replaced with a sassy know-it-all attitude. Mr. No is definitely still amazed by things, and sometimes still the simple things, but there's way too much know-it-all sass and it's taking over. I want him to love and be amazed by all the little things forever but I'd settle for just a little bit longer.

Thursday, September 29, 2011
September Top 5 Quartely Link Up
This time I chose photos that most capture Mr. No's personality rather than what I thought were my best photos of him. He's happy, silly and full of crazy...I mean, energy...and I think these photos show that pretty well.
Mr. No in his box car that we have yet to finish. I really have to get moving on that. It's going to be super cute but the move kind of ended construction on it. Of course, it can't just have some marker headlights and a door cut out. It has to have a windshield and funky paper all over and a steering wheel and dragon flannel carpet to sit on...
Mr. No sitting in the water almost up to his neck. This is the kid who will not even put a toe in the ocean and screams at me for sitting in a tidal pool and he's sitting in the lake that we had to drag him out of.
Playing in the fog at the Science museum and just being Mr. Silly No. I believe he was superhero flying.
Mr. No proudly posing with his buddy dragonfly (you can just barely see his head on the top of the stick). Our new home has tons of wonderful dragonflies and Mr. No is beyond thrilled!
Last is Mr. No the Olympic puddle jumper! If there is a puddle, anywhere, Mr. No has to jump in it. He cannot resist the lure of the puddle. Luckily we have rain boots and a rain coat for just such an occasion.

Mr. No in his box car that we have yet to finish. I really have to get moving on that. It's going to be super cute but the move kind of ended construction on it. Of course, it can't just have some marker headlights and a door cut out. It has to have a windshield and funky paper all over and a steering wheel and dragon flannel carpet to sit on...
Mr. No sitting in the water almost up to his neck. This is the kid who will not even put a toe in the ocean and screams at me for sitting in a tidal pool and he's sitting in the lake that we had to drag him out of.
Playing in the fog at the Science museum and just being Mr. Silly No. I believe he was superhero flying.
Mr. No proudly posing with his buddy dragonfly (you can just barely see his head on the top of the stick). Our new home has tons of wonderful dragonflies and Mr. No is beyond thrilled!
Last is Mr. No the Olympic puddle jumper! If there is a puddle, anywhere, Mr. No has to jump in it. He cannot resist the lure of the puddle. Luckily we have rain boots and a rain coat for just such an occasion.

Random Photos from This Week
I just realized today that I hadn't posted any photos this week. Of course we're once again living in a sick house, so really none of us have been in the picture taking mood. Mr. No brought another cold home from school and infected us and actually missed a day of school this week because of a slight fever. We did still manage to have some adventures...mostly just around the house.
We've had quite the array of fuzzy caterpillars lately! Yellow ones, orange ones, black and white ones. Mr. No would love to keep them all! Here's Mr. No and his caterpillar buddy from last Friday (when he started to get sick).
Sunday we went out to lunch with Auntie Lyssa and Uncle J and then just played around the house like sick people should. Lazy Sundays are usually my favorite days with Mr. No...when we don't drive each other crazy.
Here's another fuzzy caterpillar visitor. This one spent a little time hanging out with us in Mr. No's bug box. He hated to let him go!
This week was a big week for Mr. No! His new big boy twin bed came (no more toddler bed!) and his super awesome superhero sheet set came in the mail as well! It was when he picked up the packages that contained the sheet sets that he noticed Mister Fuzzy Caterpillar above. Mr. No is so excited about his new big bad and trundle and the sheet sets just pushed that excitement over the top. Not that you could at all tell from the photo below...
We attempted to check out a new (and free!) nature sanctuary, Capen Hill, this week. I say attempted because we got about 5 minutes into our walk when H couldn't take it any more. If Mr. No wasn't getting bitten a little as well, I would have let him suffer. See, I put bug repellent on before we left and I started to spray down Mr. No but H insisted that we had No's organic bug repellent in the car (I remembered it being used up) and insisted I stop spraying him down. H did not put on any because he was going to use the (nonexistent) bug spray in the car. Of course, it was not there and H was eaten alive by mosquitoes. Poor No got a couple bug bites on his face which I blame on H. I should know better than to listen to him. As for me? Not even 1 bite. I do have to say it was hilarious to watch H try to fake karate chop at the mosquitoes. The place seemed nice and we'll have to go back to actually check it out.
Since we didn't really get to play in the woods, Mr. No and I played in the yard for a bit. Until he had to do his "work". He's a very important person with lots of computer work to do and emails to write. On his mobigo. That's turned off. Very important work indeed. He's awesome! I cracks me up how he throws around email and send a text. Things are so different from when I was a kid...
See we're very busy around here! At least next week we should have Mr. No's apple orchard adventure to post. And hopefully this horrible cold will be gone!
We've had quite the array of fuzzy caterpillars lately! Yellow ones, orange ones, black and white ones. Mr. No would love to keep them all! Here's Mr. No and his caterpillar buddy from last Friday (when he started to get sick).
Sunday we went out to lunch with Auntie Lyssa and Uncle J and then just played around the house like sick people should. Lazy Sundays are usually my favorite days with Mr. No...when we don't drive each other crazy.
playing with H's old hero clicks |
Here's another fuzzy caterpillar visitor. This one spent a little time hanging out with us in Mr. No's bug box. He hated to let him go!
This week was a big week for Mr. No! His new big boy twin bed came (no more toddler bed!) and his super awesome superhero sheet set came in the mail as well! It was when he picked up the packages that contained the sheet sets that he noticed Mister Fuzzy Caterpillar above. Mr. No is so excited about his new big bad and trundle and the sheet sets just pushed that excitement over the top. Not that you could at all tell from the photo below...
We attempted to check out a new (and free!) nature sanctuary, Capen Hill, this week. I say attempted because we got about 5 minutes into our walk when H couldn't take it any more. If Mr. No wasn't getting bitten a little as well, I would have let him suffer. See, I put bug repellent on before we left and I started to spray down Mr. No but H insisted that we had No's organic bug repellent in the car (I remembered it being used up) and insisted I stop spraying him down. H did not put on any because he was going to use the (nonexistent) bug spray in the car. Of course, it was not there and H was eaten alive by mosquitoes. Poor No got a couple bug bites on his face which I blame on H. I should know better than to listen to him. As for me? Not even 1 bite. I do have to say it was hilarious to watch H try to fake karate chop at the mosquitoes. The place seemed nice and we'll have to go back to actually check it out.
tried to get him to jump off the rock again...he would not cooperate |
Since we didn't really get to play in the woods, Mr. No and I played in the yard for a bit. Until he had to do his "work". He's a very important person with lots of computer work to do and emails to write. On his mobigo. That's turned off. Very important work indeed. He's awesome! I cracks me up how he throws around email and send a text. Things are so different from when I was a kid...
See we're very busy around here! At least next week we should have Mr. No's apple orchard adventure to post. And hopefully this horrible cold will be gone!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Paper Mama Challenge: Friends
Friday, September 23, 2011
Friday Favorites
This is my favorite photo from this week that's not of Mr. No and it was actually just taken this morning. The fuzzy caterpillars are everywhere this week and Mr. No and I both love them. This little guy actually traveled all over Mr. No for a while until we finally convinced him that he needed to be free.

Even though I already posted this one of Mr. No, I love how genuinely happy he is instead of Mr. No cheesy fake smile. Today he's poor sick-y sniffly Mr. No so I'm glad he got to have so much fun this week! this is the first time I'm sharing on Favorite Photo Friday so of course it has to be a photo of the cuteness!

Even though I already posted this one of Mr. No, I love how genuinely happy he is instead of Mr. No cheesy fake smile. Today he's poor sick-y sniffly Mr. No so I'm glad he got to have so much fun this week! this is the first time I'm sharing on Favorite Photo Friday so of course it has to be a photo of the cuteness!

Flashback Friday: Pumpkin Picking
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Pumpkin Picking!!!
While I hate the thought of winter coming so quickly, I have to admit that I love love love fall! I love apple picking and especially pumpkin picking and ALL things Halloween! I am a little sad (and selfish I know!) that No will be picking his own costume this year. He's been the most adorable undead pirate, little dinosaur and knight. I'm not looking forward to years of wanting to be whatever the most popular cartoon character is. So far he wants to be Frankenstein. I'm okay with that.
We decided to try pumpkin picking super early this year (and that way we can go again!) since we went too late to in the patch pick last year and asked H's mom if she wanted to join us as she has a few times in the past. Mr. No does love to see his Grandma and was singing Grammy Grammy Grandma for half the hour long drive to her house. I had read a couple articles on how there might be a pumpkin shortage here after the tropical storm so H called to make sure they were open and had pumpkin. Westview Creamery in Monson was not affected by the storm and there pumpkins were just beginning to be ready for picking. I really like this pumpkin patch. It has gorgeous scenery and huge patches. We wandered through them for probably an hour. There was a lot to choose from already and we're mostly likely going back for more in the next week or 2.
Mr. No was Grandma's shadow for most of our time in the patch. He even helped her pull the wagon over to the patch.
Mr. No was very picky about what he wanted. He really wanted little pumpkins and gourd the most. And only 1 big pumpkin. I wanted more big pumpkins...next time, I guess. We might actually try our hand at carving them for the first time. H found Mr. No's first gourd which made him super happy!
H wandered all the way down one way, Mr. No followed Grandma around and I was left to poke on my own and snap a few photos.
Mr. No hadn't found anything but the gourd at this point so I convinced him to come with me to find one. It was a failed attempt as well. He's is the pickiest pumpkin picker ever!
He was more excited by the little creatures we found everywhere...flying grasshoppers, butterflies, worms which he was afraid to touch and fuzzy yellow caterpillars which he was dying to touch. It's all about him having a good time so I'd say it was a successful day!
He allowed me to take a photo in the patch and then wanted to head back to Grandma. It was more like finding his way through the jungle. He even got himself trapped at one point and I had to help him find his way. He's tall for a 3 year but still not tall enough!
H and I decided to leave No with Grandma again and search for a big pumpkin on our own. We didn't find a big one we could agree on so we just got the one H had picked up earlier but I did find 2 teeny little pumpkins which made Mr. No happy happy happy!
Finally we left the patch with our choices. Mr. No decided to be sassy and insist that he was getting more pumpkins from the boxes outside the patch. I told him not this time but we would come again this year and he could pick some then. We'll he got upset and smacked so he got a time out outside the pumpkin patch.
He did end up getting and extra gourd only because they were 2 for $1. He ended his day by finding a very nice little girl to play with on the little plastic play area. He wasn't interested in feeding the goats or even in ice cream. He just wanted to play with the "nice girl". So happy that preschool is helping him so much with his social skills! He now talks to kids and plays with them wherever we go! Yay! They had a blast together and it was sad to make him go but Grandma was going to cut H's hair and we all had to get some dinner soon. Mr. No had a fabulous day at the patch and has had a busy week with school 2 days, pumpkin picking with Grandma, visiting his Great-Grandparents (who he adores!) and tonight he's going over Nana and Papa's for a bit. Busy little bee! We'll see what next week brings!
We decided to try pumpkin picking super early this year (and that way we can go again!) since we went too late to in the patch pick last year and asked H's mom if she wanted to join us as she has a few times in the past. Mr. No does love to see his Grandma and was singing Grammy Grammy Grandma for half the hour long drive to her house. I had read a couple articles on how there might be a pumpkin shortage here after the tropical storm so H called to make sure they were open and had pumpkin. Westview Creamery in Monson was not affected by the storm and there pumpkins were just beginning to be ready for picking. I really like this pumpkin patch. It has gorgeous scenery and huge patches. We wandered through them for probably an hour. There was a lot to choose from already and we're mostly likely going back for more in the next week or 2.
entering the pumpkin patch |
Mr. No was very picky about what he wanted. He really wanted little pumpkins and gourd the most. And only 1 big pumpkin. I wanted more big pumpkins...next time, I guess. We might actually try our hand at carving them for the first time. H found Mr. No's first gourd which made him super happy!
H wandered all the way down one way, Mr. No followed Grandma around and I was left to poke on my own and snap a few photos.
Mr. No hadn't found anything but the gourd at this point so I convinced him to come with me to find one. It was a failed attempt as well. He's is the pickiest pumpkin picker ever!
He was more excited by the little creatures we found everywhere...flying grasshoppers, butterflies, worms which he was afraid to touch and fuzzy yellow caterpillars which he was dying to touch. It's all about him having a good time so I'd say it was a successful day!
He allowed me to take a photo in the patch and then wanted to head back to Grandma. It was more like finding his way through the jungle. He even got himself trapped at one point and I had to help him find his way. He's tall for a 3 year but still not tall enough!
H and I decided to leave No with Grandma again and search for a big pumpkin on our own. We didn't find a big one we could agree on so we just got the one H had picked up earlier but I did find 2 teeny little pumpkins which made Mr. No happy happy happy!
Finally we left the patch with our choices. Mr. No decided to be sassy and insist that he was getting more pumpkins from the boxes outside the patch. I told him not this time but we would come again this year and he could pick some then. We'll he got upset and smacked so he got a time out outside the pumpkin patch.
time out pout face |
Mr. No with his great-grandparents |
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