
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Simple Things Sunday: Karate Demonstration

This weekend we finally got to see all that Mr. No has learned at his karate lessons.  He rarely shows us anything at home and there is only a tiny black and white monitor to watch him on at karate.  I actually like the fact that, unlike most other places, there isn't a big window in front where the classes are used as an advertisement for the business.  It was great to see him (with his new yellow belt!) showing off what he knows.  He was so proud of himself!

 Mr. No front and center!

When it was Mr. No's turn to show his individual skills, the dad in the front row decided to shift right in my way. :(  There really wasn't anywhere to move to so I had to make do.


  1. Cute shot of your son! My oldest is a black belt!

  2. What fun! Two of my girls just started TKD. It's been a great experience so far.

