Temperatures reached near 80 this week (which you couldn't believe right now at the chilly-ish 42 degrees) so of course we had to take our first trip of the year to Crane Beach! The beach was beautiful as usual, the temperature hot and the water...beyond icy! I've never had such frozen feet in my life but I pushed through and did my mom duty to find snails for Mr. No. Actually H was the only wimp. Yes, even ocean fearing Mr. No went right into the water...up to his thighs even! So proud of him!
H forgot to pack Mr. No's beach toys so we had to stop on the way for some. Unfortunately (for me), it came with a water gun. Since H spent most of his time on the beach like this:
I was the one who was attacked his the water gun. Repeatedly. I probably should leave out the part where I also filled it up for him repeatedly. Can't really complain then, can I?
The he spotted a mom and son building a sand village? castle? something and wanted to collect shells to make his own creations. Luckily it is a wonderful beach for collecting shells even when it's busy.
collecting shells. you can see the mom, son and creation behind him |
one of Mr. No's shell castles |
finishing up his shell village (all the mounds near him are his buildings) |
Then he decided that he wanted snails, so we had to go back to H so they could stay together while I braved the icy water.
trying to remember which way to go. |
Of course he had to chase a few poor unsuspecting seagulls on his way down to the water.
Then he surprised both me and H by going into the water. Willingly.
H was coerced into it but then ran out after only a few seconds. Mr. No tried to chase him back in several times but H wasn't having any of it.
So Mr. No tried to show him how it's done.
Mr. No walking on water (jumping) |
I did find a few snails and a pair of sweet women found Mr. No a couple of sand dollars. We do visit gently with them and then return them to the ocean before we leave. We never harm anything or attempt to bring them home. Here is Mr. No posing with one of his "little buddies".
The rest of the photos here are just the normal non-Mr. No beach photos. :)
the crystal clear water
a few of our friends
the sea gulls fighting over a stolen bagel
some of the horses on the beach:
and our view as we were leaving
It was a fun, relaxing, wonderful day and I almost can't wait until the weather warms up enough for us to go again. I do hope there is some sort of spring this year rather than our typical months and months of winter followed by 2 weeks of spring before the unbearable heat of summer comes.