
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Simple Things Sunday: The Kindergartener

So glad Simple Things Sunday is back!  We've had a super crazy and busy summer and now is definitely the time for me to start remembering the simple things about life with Mr. No.  This week Mr. No started full day Kindergarten!  I'm super proud of my smart, happy, hilarious little man but it's so sad because I miss him so much in the 7 hours he is gone every day.  So this week is our first day of kindergarten pics to remind me to enjoy every morning waiting with him for bus no matter how hot, cold, rainy or snowy because after that bus drives away, I'll be counting the minutes until he comes home. Except when I'm at the grocery store.  As much as I love him, grocery shopping without him is a dream come true!

 Chalkboard signs printed from That's What Che Said

Lenticular Lego backpack...very cool

H is a little sad waiting for the bus



  1. Love your photos, and the little figurines he has lined up in the first photo are too darling! :)

  2. Brilliant series. I hope he had a wonderful time. The beginning of a whole school life that will see him into the adult world. How amazing is that


  3. Wonderful images! And I loved the story.

  4. Great feeling in your photos....brings back memeries of sending my little guys off to Kindergarten years ago.

  5. Mr NO :) I love it .... I am right there with you on excitement and loneliness. My simple things post THIS week is all about how I'm seizing the moments I have left with my last little fellow at home. So nice to meet you! These photos are adorable! The one of him walking away all grown up like is my favorite (and the one with his Dad!!)

