
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Simple Things Sunday: Being Silly

Poor Mr. No is sick.  He's had a fever for the past 2 days and some other issues and has had to miss out on a lot.  He missed seeing his friends at school, he missed his soccer game, he missed going to Nana and Pop's to paint pumpkins and may even miss his friend's party. I tried to keep his mind off all that he was missing yesterday with crafts and play dough making.  We ended up making Halloween decorations and then, in true Mr. No style, he decided he had to decorate himself, too.  So he threw together this crazy little costume and became his silly little self. It was actually a treat for both of us to be able to just spend a Saturday together at home.  Usually Saturdays are crazy.  It was nice to have to just stay home, relax together and be silly.

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